
Skin health clinic

We aim for fundamental skin health. It is an apparent skin problem.
On the other hand, most of the casue is in what is invisible.
The true recovery is only when the physical condition as well as mental condition is restored.

Functional medicine test

Functional medicine is the test which looks at all parts of the body in an integrated way, finds the cause of disease and manages it accordingly.

Antioxidant injection

It is an injection therapy that helps to recover from fatigue and
prevent skin aging by removing active oxygen and oxides in the body.

Oxygen therapy

It is an anti-aging skin care program that uses high concentration
of oxygen and negative ions to remove active oxygen, which causes
skin aging and promotes cell regeneration to revitalize
tired and damaged skin.

Customized skin care

It is a skin care program through moisturizing,whitening,
and soothing suitable for the skin by measuring the skin condition.

  • THE WE Hospital
  • 453-95, 1100-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do
  • Business Number
  • CEO
    Kim Sung-soo
  • Privacy Manager
    Lim Ji-ae
  • TEL. +82 64 730 1421~2
  • FAX. +82 64 730 1259